Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Have you ever experienced an unexpected kindness? The other day after one of my children "borrowed" my personal CD player, the CD that was originally inside disappeared. In it's place was High scool musical 2. Hmmmm..... no child was admitting guilt! The lost CD was part of a set of hypnosis sessions and I really needed it to make the set work. I called the company hoping to buy a replacement and the man said, " Sure we can get you a replacement. Where would you like it sent?" "Wait! wait! how much will that be?" "Oh, we don't charge for replacement CD's." he said. They didn't even charge for shipping! Now how often does that happen today? It was so unexpected. I was thinking if we could each give someone a totally unexpected kindness what a difference that would make. I am challenging myself to find a need for kindness each week and try to meet it. How about you?

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