Tuesday, September 11, 2007

September 11, 2001

Today is my cousin's birthday. He was born prematurely on September 11, 2001. His mom said that it was so hard when she was in labor, because everyone just wanted to watch TV. She was scared because she was in labor early but it was hard to focus on anything except the horiffic events unfolding on TV.

As I watch Jordan grow-up, I am reminded of an entire generation of post-9/11 children that don't remember life before airport security checks and the war in Iraq. Even my children, ages 8 and 11, can't fathom what this day means in American history.

My strongest memory of that day is the surreal feeling of listening to the radio in my office and being unable to wrap my mind around the shock of the events. Nothing like this had ever happened on American soil in my lifetime. Let's join together in prayer that nothing like this ever happens again.

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