Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I've been working lately as a substitute teacher in several elementary schools around Lakeland. It's very concerning to me the anger of some of these very young children. They come to school in the morning angry, they cannot remain on task so they are reprimanded throughout the day, and leave angry in the afternoon. These 5-10 year old kids are being robbed of their childhood. It just doesn't seem like anyone is going out of their way to make these dears feel valued and loved. We are raising a generation of children with members that have no emotional connection to anything or anyone. It's no wonder that our prisons are full to overflowing.

We need to find some way to support these parents and encourage them to value these precious children that they have been entrusted with. We need fathers to step up and assume responsibility for their families. It's not an easy job, but one that comes with immense rewards when it's done with love. Jesus loved the little children. We should too.